Flo’s Autumn Banquet
All profits from this evening will go straight back into supporting Flo’s vision to provide better local opportunities, reduce inequalities and support the environment.
Our Autumn Banquet will consist of 3 courses of delicious Syrian dishes accompanied by a glass of wine and non-alcoholic refreshments.
Prior to the banquet, you are invited to attend our public annual general meeting (AGM) for an opportunity to hear about what Flo’s has achieved in this, it’s 5th year.
Hear stories from some of our project recipients, learn about new developments and enjoy our beautiful environment with your friends and community members.
Who can come?
This event is open to all. Tickets are set at three price levels including ‘pay what you can’ to increase accessibility while also supporting us to raise much needed unrestricted funds for Flo’s.
6:00 AGM Arrival, drinks and nibbles (ALL WELCOME no ticket required)
6:15 Welcome
7:15 AGM Close
7:30 Banquet is served (TICK HOLDERS ONLY prebooking essential)
9:00 Raffle
10:00 Farwell