


Being a Master Medicinal Herbalist means mastering the art and science of healing with plants, grounded in deep knowledge of nature’s remedies. It involves understanding the intricate relationships between plants and the human body, as well as the energetic and biochemical properties of herbs. A Master Herbalist not only crafts personalised herbal blends but also provides holistic support, guiding clients toward optimal wellness by addressing the root causes of their health concerns. They possess wisdom in diagnosing imbalances, using herbs to restore harmony and advocating for preventive care. Their approach is empowering, helping others connect with nature and take control of their well-being. Deep intuition, compassion and ongoing study shape their practice, as they bridge traditional healing methods with modern knowledge to create transformative, natural solutions for the mind, body, and spirit. Master Herbalists honor the earth’s wisdom and are committed to helping others thrive.

Oxford Herbal Sarah Turton

I love running a business as a Herbalist because it allows me to share my passion for natural healing, empower others on their wellness journey and work with plants to create remedies that make a real impact. As a Herbalist, I connect with nature’s wisdom and help people achieve balance and vitality, which brings a deep sense of fulfillment.

Living in Oxford offers a blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Oxford’s rich academic environment can be inspiring for a professional dedicated to learning and growth, while the surrounding countryside provides ample access to nature—a perfect setting for a Herbalist. The city’s vibrant community and intellectual energy fuels my creativity and commitment to holistic healing.

– Sarah Turton, Owner

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