10 Indie Events In Oxford This October 2020

 In Events

As indie businesses get up to speed with the latest coronavirus guidelines, they are still innovating, experimenting and finding ways to support their communities. Faced with a long six months of new measures, indies will provide the glimmers of normality, hope and joy on chilly autumn days. We are constantly amazed by the tenacity and resilience of the independent businesses in Oxfordshire, and coming up with creative events and things to do, is just one way they are helping us, their supporters, enjoy the simple, local pleasures. From films and books, to wellbeing and fitness, there are a whole host of events this October to keep you happy and healthy. >>


3rd October – 8th October: Babyteeth, a coming-of-age story at the Ultimate Picture Palace.

Monday 5th October: The Mostly Books Cosy Book Club from 6.30 – 8 pm.

10th October – 7th November: Beyond Surface is a new abstract exhibition at Sarah Wiseman Gallery.

15th October: Drama Games with Open Stage Arts from 7 pm.

Andrew Hood Tuscan Village
'Tuscan Village' by Andrew Hood - part of the Beyond Surface exhibition at Sarah Wiseman Gallery


Holistic Health community acupuncture sessions across Oxfordshire: Mondays at Dean Court Community Centre, Tuesdays at Florence Park Community Centre, Wednesdays at The Guildhall Abingdon, Thursdays at Florence Park Community Centre & The Civic Hall Didcot.

Monday 5th October: Keep Active with Noe online fitness class hosted by The Oxford Wellbeing Project from 5.30 – 6.30 pm.

Friday 9th October: The Project PT‘s Movement Studio Open Day at Sweat Betty from 9.30 am to 6.30 pm.

Holistic Health Oxford Acupuncture


Saturday 3rd October: Gravy & Custard Pop Up Supper at The Jericho Cafe from 7.30 pm.

Sunday 4th October: Sunday Lunch Outdoor Comedy at The Jam Factory from 3 – 5 pm.

The Jericho Cafe Oxford


Thursday 1st October: Indie Oxford Meet Up with Chris Baldwin from 7Kites Promotional Marketing from 10 – 11 am. Our Meet Ups are free for Indie Oxford members.

Truck Festival 2018

For more ideas to enjoy this October, check out the Independent Oxford events page.

As always, we’d love to see which indie events you enjoyed the most, so please do post your pics and join our community of indie lovers, by using #indieoxford on Instagram and Twitter.

Love, Rosie xxx

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the Jericho Cafe OxfordGeorge Street Mural Oxford Luke Embden